
西班牙传统月闭幕式: Profiles of Excellence -Chingona 101 Panel

This panel discussion will help redefine the term Chingona in celebration of community leaders who exemplify what it means to be a Chingona in male-dominated fields.




Closing Ceremony for Hispanic Heritage Month: Profiles of Excellence Event-Chingona 101 Panel
西班牙裔传统月以“卓越概况”结束, 中国101小组讨论周四, 10月12日上午11:30在奥克兰中心金色房间A.m.

Attendees at the closing ceremony for Hispanic Heritage Month on Thursday, October 12, can enjoy the 卓越简介,中国101小组讨论, a master class on how to redefine the term Chingona in celebration of community leaders who exemplify what it means to be a Chingona in male-dominated fields.

The in person and Zoom event is scheduled for the 奥克兰 Center, Gold Room A from 11:30 a.m. 到1p.m. 由LatinxERG赞助.

讨论小组成员包括Loida L. 塔皮亚,凡妮莎·雷诺兹,艾德.Dr . Avec O'Brien和Dr. 桑德拉·米. 冈萨雷斯. 阅读下面更多关于它们的内容.

Loida L. Tapia has dedicated her career to building capacity for communities to engage in public policy and government both at the state and federal level. 洛伊达是密歇根州新成立的501c4法案MI Poder的领导者. MI Poder engages Latino communities across the state in civic participation and political advocacy. She previously led Redistricting Initiative for Michigan Nonprofit Association, where she led the largest statewide redistricting engagement program. In 2020 she led the ACLU of Michigan’s Election Protection Program. In 2019 Loida established the Office of Public Engagement in the Michigan Department of State. 在密歇根工作之前, she served as a Senior Advisor on Workforce Planning and Talent Development to the Obama Administration. 作为白宫任命的驻美大使.S. 人事管理厅, she led strategic outreach in workforce development in diversity and inclusion. 洛伊达以前的角色包括在美国.S. 参议院少数党领袖助理迪克·德宾, both of President’s Barack Obama Campaigns (2007-2008) (2011-2012), and for the late Majority Leader Senator Harry Reid’s 2010 Senatorial campaign. 她是底特律的骄傲居民.

is a higher education advocate, community leader and first-generation college graduate. 她获得了工商管理学士学位, 教育领导教育学硕士学位, 最近, a Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies from Wayne State 大学 (WSU). Her dedication to higher education and passion for student success is reflected in her years of experience as an Admissions Counselor at WSU’s Office of Undergraduate Admissions. Providing educational opportunities to students and contributing to their advancement has been one of her highest objectives. As the past chair of WSU’s Latinx Faculty and Staff Association and various other initiatives across campus, Vanessa has demonstrated her influence to enhance diversity and inclusion across the university. 她的努力已经扩展到华盛顿州立大学之外, currently serving as co-chair of the board for Advocates for Latino Student Advancement in Michigan Education, a non-profit organization committed to making college education a reality for Latino students across the state, and as a member of the Michigan Association for College Admission Counseling Conference Planning Committee. Her commitment to this career is empowered by the encouragement she gives to hundreds of students to pursue higher education and the mission of her alma mater to prepare a diverse student body to thrive.

用O ' brien is the chief financial officer at Walker-Miller Energy Services LLC. 此前,奥布莱恩是美国首席执行官.S. 以及Mastronardi Produce的墨西哥总监. Before that, she was the chief financial officer of the Detroit Science Center. O’Brien also worked as an audit manager at Deloitte and Touche, LLP., 海德思哲律师事务所的办公室经理, 并在普华永道担任高级会计师, 墨西哥城. 同时, O’Brien was an associate professor at the MBA program of the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México. O’Brien serves as a board member and as a volunteer of several Detroit-area nonprofits. O’Brien earned her MBA with distinction from the 大学 of Michigan Stephen M. 罗斯商学院, and her Bachelor of 工商管理 in Public Accounting from the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México. O’Brien is a certified public accountant and a chartered global management accountant. O’Brien currently serves as a board member on the National Board of Financial Executives International (FEI) and is the immediate past president of the FEI Detroit chapter. She serves on the Ascension Michigan Ministry Market board and on its finance committee. 她还担任Southwest Solutions董事会成员.

Dr. 桑德拉·米. 冈萨雷斯 is an Associate Professor of Bilingual/Bicultural Education in the Division of Teacher Education at Wayne State 大学. She received her master’s and doctorate in International Educational Development from Columbia 大学, 师范学院. Her research interests include: Latinx identity and belonging; K12 school reform efforts; culturally and linguistically responsive teaching and learning practices; and the revitalization of elder and Abuelita epistemologies, 比如证言, 以底特律芝加哥为中心的故事和叙事, 墨西哥人和墨西哥土著社区. 冈萨雷斯 coordinates the Native Development Network and Learning Community, a student success initiative for Native American students and allies at Wayne State 大学. She is also the faculty PI for the College of Education Upward Bound program, 这是一个由美国政府资助的TRIO大学预科项目.S. 教育部.

缩放链接: http://oakland-edu.zoom.us/j/99014820033?pwd=aXhXWkdaeUxpZFFNdWNLZ0t1K3l0UT09

会议编号:990 1482 0033


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